Australia Disaster Management Platform (ADMP)

Centre for Disaster Management and Public Safety


The Australian Disaster Management Platform (ADMP) is a next generation open standards- based IT platform aimed at improving disaster management, protecting communities and potentially saving lives. The platform will facilitate informed decision-making by communicating the information, via various channels and at appropriate levels of detail, to the wide spectrum of people involved in making emergency decisions - from the central coordinating agencies that are charged with directing activities, to on-ground emergency services personnel, through to the local community.

The concept of the platform is central to the ADMP as it will draw on vast amounts of geospatial and infrastructure information from multiple datasets (including many sets already in existence), bring these together, facilitate discovery and then integrate and analyse the data to create real-time practical information streams on disaster events and to develop simulation and optimisation models.

The outcomes of the platform aim to support the stages of disaster management such as mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery, and to assist people in making decisions related to disaster management.

Key Outcomes

The University of Melbourne team have been working steadily on the objectives of the ADMP project over the last 12 months. As a part of this work, new functionalities within the IDDSS system have been developed. These new functionalities widen the scope of the ADMP and work toward improving the capability of the overall platform. The new functionalities include:

  • Micro level indoor tracking with passive motion sensors
  • Macro Traffic Volume Analysis with EMME
  • Surge Analysis and visualisation of fire incident report system

Major Activities for 2016-2017

A range of activities and developments to further advance the goal of developing an interoperable and standards based disaster management platform for Australia have taken place in the last year. The 2nd International Symposium on Disaster Management was held in Melbourne which presented the opportunity for IBM Research Australia and The University of Melbourne to showcase the recent developments and work occurred. The developments from the University of Melbourne team included the introduction of three new modules to expand the capabilities of the system.

Research Team

Academic Lead: Professor Abbas Rajabifard

Research Staff: Dr Katie Potts, Dr Yiqun Chen

Industry Advisors: Mr Ged Griffin, Mr Geoff Spring, Mr David Williams

Research Partners and collaborators

Industry Partner: IBM Research - Australia

Industry Supporters: Carlton Connect